Khukuri Stand
Wooen Khukuri stand give more worth to a Khukuri once it is nicely display on it. The Khukuri display stand is made of " Jangali Sisau", a hard wild wood. The double stepped folding stand is easy to carry. There are two different types of Khkuri stands. First type of stand is made for Leather case khukuri on which the Khukuri displayer part (Upper branch of left carrier of the stand) is bigger than right one so that the Khukuri scabbard easily goes in the gap. Similary Second type of Khukri stand on the same branch is made for Dhankute style khukuri on which the bottom part of case and top part of case is almost same width which fit on the brance without any difficulties.
How to display Khukuri on Stand?
This is simple to display Khukuri on stand. The stand we send is folding stand. Each of the stand has left and right side. The more part of base of the brach need to be at front of our body and small or narrow part at back side. Among the two branches of the stand need to be fit with left to right by wide branch left and narrow branch at right. When stand is fit, The Khukuri can display by Khukuri case upper branch gap by left to right and Khukuri at bottom by left to right again.
Size and Information of Stand:
Weight of Single Stand: 300 Grams
Length: 10 Inch
Width: 4 Inch
Height: 6 Inch (When stand is ready to display)
Type: Folding Stand for Leather Case Khukuri
Best for Size of Khukri: 9-11 Inch Khukuri (Blade size)